Welcome Back! We are excited to announce that we will be resuming regular business hours.

We continue to closely follow updates and events surrounding COVID-19. We are dedicated to ensuring the safety and well being of our patients and employees. The safety of our patients and employees is our top priority. As facts and events continue to evolve, we are closely monitoring and following safety precautions, actions and recommendations provided by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), California Dental Association (CDA), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

We are taking extra precautions and additional safety measures to protect our patients and staff in response to COVID-19. We ask for your cooperation as we are doing our part in reducing the risks and mitigating the spread of the virus.

These extra precautions and additional safety measures include:

Pre-Screening: We will communicate with you before your appointment to ask screening questions, following the CDA COVID-19 Patient Screening Form. Upon arrival we will be taking your temperature using a no contact thermometer. If you show any of the symptoms consistent with COVID-19, we will kindly ask that you re-schedule your appointment.

Staff Screening: All staff members will also be screened prior to their scheduled shift.

Call Upon Arrival: We ask that you please call upon arrival to check in. We also ask that you wait outside of our office for a staff member to greet you and complete your screening before entering.

Patient Scheduling: We will be scheduling appointments in a manner that promotes social distancing and allows for adequate time for us to disinfect all areas of use in between patient appointments. We also ask that patients come to their appointment unaccompanied, if possible. For those patients who need a guardian we ask it to be limited to a single family member.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Every assistant and doctor will have shoe covers, head covers, gowns, masks, safety glasses and face shields. All our staff have been trained on the new PPE guidelines.

Enhanced measures: Medical grade high efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) air purifiers have been installed in the office to help improve the air quality in the area for all patients and staff. In addition, protective barrier shields have been placed in our reception area to minimize exposure to airborne pathogens.

Protect Yourself: Every person entering the office is expected to wear a face covering while entering and leaving the office.  Upon entry you will be asked to sanitize your hands immediately, using a no touch sanitizing dispenser that is readily available at our entrance.

Mouth Rinse: We will be providing every patient with a pre-rinse that is an antimicrobial and peroxide based solution prior to any treatment.

We thank you for your cooperation during this trying time. We value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming you back to our practice.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

Download the CDA COVID-19 Screening Form

As a reminder and way to protect others, please immediately report any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 to our office.

CDA COVID-19 Screening Form

Download Here